Welcome to mhkita.com, |
In this site you can find information about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate or Monster Hunter 3G. |
I very warmly welcome you to my site, feel free to browse on my site. |
And if think that you find any incorrect content or information, please contact me and I will look into it |
I am a MH3G player, and I am not playing MH3U, hence I have some problems with items name and DLC quest. |
If you find some items without english translation, that's mean I haven't found it. |
In fact, the contents between MH3G and MH3U is same, the only difference between MH3G and MH3U at DLC quest. |
There are some MH3G DLC quests won't appear at MH3U, because the license only for MH3G. |
About copyright, |
I didn't own the information, those information from MH3G guide book, and some websites |
You can reuse the information, share or profitmaking from those information. |
But I own the scripts logic and database structure. |
Special Thanks to my friends, who help me provide information about MH3U, or some contents, |
- id0x0 |
- Lant |
- Theo |
- dpick |
- Chenmartin |
- Bromance 2nd |