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Quest List - Harbor

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 Low Rank
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 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Harvest Tour: Deserted IslandGatheringDeserted Island (Day)15z
Harvest Tour: Sandy PlainsGatheringSandy Plains (Day)15z
Harvest Tour: Flooded ForestGatheringFlooded Forest (Day)15z
Harvest Tour: TundraGatheringTundra (Day)15z
Key QuestPlaying with FireHuntingDeserted Island (Day)3,600zQurupeco
Wyvern ConservationGatheringDeserted Island (Day)2,500z
Shroom PatrolGatheringDeserted Island (Day)1,500z
Key QuestLeading The ChargeHuntingSandy Plains (Day)5,200zBarroth
Key QuestThe Merchants MissionHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)5,400zRathian
The Fishermans TaleHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)4,000zRoyal Ludroth
Key QuestAccident InvestigationHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)5,600zGobul
[Canteen] The Fisher KingGatheringFlooded Forest (Day)1,500z
[Canteen] Forecast: LagombiHuntingTundra (Day)3,000zLagombi
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 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Harvest Tour: VolcanoGatheringVolcano (Day)15z
Key QuestThe Fishermans FiendHuntingDeserted Island (Day)7,800zLagiacrus
Key QuestDouble TroubleHuntingDeserted Island (Day)10,800zRathian
Key QuestThe Horned WyvernHuntingSandy Plains (Night)8,600zDiablos
Key QuestThe Desert GourmandHuntingSandy Plains (Day)7,000zNibelsnarf
When The Levy BreaksHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)8,000zDuramboros
Key QuestThe Creeping VenomHuntingTundra (Day)6,000zGigginox
Key QuestA Bards TaleHuntingTundra (Day)8,000zBarioth
The Wrath of RathalosHuntingVolcano (Night)8,000zRathalos
Key QuestDenizen of the Molten DeepHuntingVolcano (Night)8,600zAgnaktor
[Canteen] Road WorkHuntingVolcano (Day)8,600zUragaan
Call the HerdHuntingVolcano (Day)1,500zRhenoplos
Bullfango BrigadeHuntingArena (Day)1,500zBullfango
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 Hi Rank
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 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Harvest Tour: Deserted IslandGatheringDeserted Island (Day)15z
Harvest Tour: Sandy PlainsGatheringSandy Plains (Day)15z
Harvest Tour: Flooded ForestGatheringFlooded Forest (Day)15z
Harvest Tour: Misty PeaksGatheringMisty Peaks (Day)15z
Reel in a RathianHuntingDeserted Island (Day)7,600zRathianPink Queen of the Peaks
The OmenHuntingDeserted Island (Day)11,200zRathalos
Key QuestSplash DamageHuntingDeserted Island (Night)9,000zPlesioth
Purple ReignHuntingDeserted Island (Night)9,000zPink Ludroth
Key QuestMud BrothersHuntingSandy Plains (Day)11,700zBarroth
Key QuestBye-Bye, BloomHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)5,800zCrimson Qurupeco
Key QuestSupply ConstraintsHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)5,500zGreat Wroggi
Ludroth LamentHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)7,900zRoyal LudrothPurple Reign
[Canteen] Grab a Gobul!HuntingFlooded Forest (Night)7,900zGobul
Pink Queen of the PeaksHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)8,200zPink Rathian
Noisy NeighborHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)5,100zQurupecoBye-Bye, Bloom
Jumping for JaggiHuntingMisty Peaks (Day)5,100zGreat Jaggi
Fishing for TroubleHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)18,900zPlesiothSplash Damage
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 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Harvest Tour: TundraGatheringTundra (Day)15z
Harvest Tour: VolcanoGatheringVolcano (Day)15z
Key QuestUnwanted VisitorHuntingDeserted Island (Day)11,800zZinogre
The Desert GourmandHuntingSandy Plains (Night)9,800zNibelsnarf
Four HornsHuntingSandy Plains (Night)19,400zDiablos
The Fishermans FiendHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)11,000zLagiacrus
[Canteen] Fishing FailureHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)11,200zDuramboros
Snowball FightHuntingTundra (Day)8,000zJade BarrothTumble on the Tundra
Frost BittenHuntingTundra (Day)6,100zGreat Baggi
Toxic TundraHuntingTundra (Night)13,500zGigginoxTumble on the Tundra
Shocking DevelopmentHuntingTundra (Day)9,200zBaleful GigginoxTumble on the Tundra
Key QuestTumble on the TundraHuntingTundra (Day)13,800zBaleful Gigginox
The Lost ExpeditionHuntingTundra (Night)11,200zBarioth
Key QuestBrachydios Mio!HuntingVolcano (Night)11,000zBrachydios
Key QuestThe Volcanos FuryHuntingVolcano (Day)12,100zUragaan
Heroes WantedHuntingVolcano (Night)25,500zUragaanThe Volcanos Fury
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 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Key QuestRuler of Two RealmsHuntingDeserted Island (Day)12,900zIvory Lagiacrus
Midnight MadnessHuntingSandy Plains (Night)12,800zBlack DiablosDesert Desertion
Desert StormHuntingSandy Plains (Day)12,000zSand BariothDesert Desertion
Key QuestDesert DesertionHuntingSandy Plains (Night)19,900zSand Barioth
Key QuestEcho LocationHuntingTundra (Day)12,800zGlacial Agnaktor
Key QuestBedevil a DeviljhoHuntingTundra (Night)14,000zDeviljho
Dancing FlamesHuntingVolcano (Day)19,400zAgnaktorEcho Location
[Canteen] End of the RoadsHuntingVolcano (Day)12,800zSteel Uragaan
Key QuestAzure AttackHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)12,000zAzure Rathalos
Narga at NiteHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)11,200zNargacuga
[Canteen] Desert Rumble!HuntingGreat Desert (Day)20,000zJhen Mohran
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 G rank
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 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Harvest Tour: Deserted IslandGatheringDeserted Island (Night)15z
Harvest Tour: Sandy PlainsGatheringSandy Plains (Night)15z
Harvest Tour: Flooded ForestGatheringFlooded Forest (Night)15z
Harvest Tour: TundraGatheringTundra (Night)15z
Harvest Tour: Misty PeaksGatheringMisty Peaks (Night)15z
Key QuestThe Cherry Blossom QueenHuntingDeserted Island (Night)9,900zPink Rathian
Key QuestThe Green FlashHuntingDeserted Island (Day)12,000zGreen Plesioth
Deserted Island DustupHuntingDeserted Island (Day)6,600zArzuros
Island WarfareHuntingDeserted Island (Day)13,200zGreat JaggiThe Green Flash
Rathians WrathHuntingSandy Plains (Day)9,200zRathian
Avenge the Fallen HunterHuntingSandy Plains (Night)8,800zBarrothThe Cherry Blossom Queen
Sand StormHuntingSandy Plains (Day)16,500zNibelsnarfLeading the Charge
Key QuestPlaying with FireHuntingSandy Plains (Night)6,200zQurupeco
Key QuestSweltering ShowdownHuntingSandy Plains (Day)12,500zGreat Jaggi
Key QuestThe Desert GourmandHuntingSandy Plains (Night)11,800zNibelsnarfThe Cherry Blossom Queen
Splash DamageHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)10,800zPlesioth
Monster FisherHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)16,300zGobulAccident Investigation
Bye-Bye, BloomHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)7,000zCrimson QurupecoPlaying with Fire
Supply ConstraintsHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)6,600zGreat Wroggi
The Fishermans TaleHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)6,800zRoyal Ludroth
When the Levy BreaksHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)13,500zDuramborosThe Cherry Blossom Queen
Key QuestAxe to GrindHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)14,200zRust DuramborosThe Cherry Blossom Queen
Accident InvestigationHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)9,500zGobulThe Cherry Blossom Queen
Command PerformanceHuntingSandy Plains (Night)19,800zVolvidon
Key QuestSnowball FightHuntingTundra (Day)9,600zJade BarrothLeading the Charge
Bad, White, and BlueHuntingTundra (Night)11,700zGreat Baggi
Bump Off BariothHuntingTundra (Day)13,500zBariothThe Cherry Blossom Queen
The Creeping VenomHuntingTundra (Night)10,100zGigginoxThe Cherry Blossom Queen
Erratic ElectricityHuntingTundra (Day)11,100zBaleful GigginoxThe Creeping Venom
Key QuestThunder on the TundraHuntingTundra (Night)19,700zBaleful GigginoxThe Creeping Venom
Operation: Poison ControlHuntingMisty Peaks (Day)7,700zPink Ludroth
Key QuestThrone of the AbyssHuntingUnderwater Ruin (Day)25,000zGoldbeard Ceadeus
[Advanced] Ludroth AmbushHuntingDeserted Island (Night)11,600zRoyal Ludroth
[Advanced] Raging QueensHuntingDeserted Island (Day)22,100zRathian
[Advanced] Plesioth PainsHuntingDeserted Island (Day)26,000zPlesioth
[Advanced] Qurupeco ChorusHuntingDeserted Island (Night)14,900zQurupeco
[Advanced] Lawless LudrothHuntingDeserted Island (Night)16,400zRoyal Ludroth
[Advanced] Barroth BrigadeHuntingSandy Plains (Day)21,200zBarroth
[Advanced] Tale of TailsHuntingSandy Plains (Day)22,800zRust Duramboros
[Advanced] Todays SpecialHuntingSandy Plains (Day)18,900zNibelsnarf
[Advanced] Third StrikeHuntingSandy Plains (Night)19,200zGreat Jaggi
[Advanced] Pretty and PinkHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)15,300zRathian
[Advanced] Beauty KillsHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)15,900zPink Rathian
[Advanced] Fishin MissionHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)18,300zPlesioth
[Advanced] Seeing GreenHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)19,200zGreen Plesioth
[Advanced] Knight FishingHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)22,800zGobul
[Advanced] Forest FracasHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)19,600zGreat WroggiThe Cherry Blossom Queen
[Advanced] Snow StampedeHuntingTundra (Night)15,400zJade Barroth
[Advanced] Field StudyHuntingTundra (Day)17,000zGigginox
[Advanced] Shock TreatmentHuntingTundra (Night)17,800zBaleful Gigginox
[Advanced] Tough GigHuntingTundra (Night)24,300zGigginox
[Advanced] Pack MentalityHuntingTundra (Night)32,400zBarioth
[Advanced] Silver SlayersHuntingTundra (Day)22,600zLagombi
[Advanced] Miracle DrugHuntingMisty Peaks (Day)12,400zPink Ludroth
[Advanced] Troubling TremorsHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)32,400zDuramboros
[Advanced] Noble NuisanceHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)21,500zArzuros
[Advanced] Peak PerformersHuntingMisty Peaks (Day)14,100zPink Rathian
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 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Harvest Tour: VolcanoHuntingVolcano (Night)15z
Ruler of Two RealmsHuntingDeserted Island (Night)16,200zIvory LagiacrusThe Fishermans Fiend
Silent but DeadlyHuntingDeserted Island (Night)23,200zGreen NargacugaNight Stalker
Key QuestThe Horned WyvernHuntingSandy Plains (Day)14,600zDiablos
Midnight MadnessHuntingSandy Plains (Night)15,400zBlack DiablosThe Horned Wyvern
Key QuestDesert StormHuntingSandy Plains (Day)14,400zSand Barioth
Desert DesertionHuntingSandy Plains (Night)23,200zSand BariothDesert Storm
Key QuestDeep-six a DeviljhoHuntingSandy Plains (Day)16,800zDeviljhoNight Stalker
Key QuestNight StalkerHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)14,500zGreen NargacugaThe Horned Wyvern
The Fishermans FiendHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)13,200zLagiacrusNight Stalker
Key QuestA Sea of WyvernsHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)18,000zGobulThe Fishermans Fiend
Key QuestSticky SituationHuntingTundra (Day)21,200zBrachydios
Key QuestInfernal OverlordHuntingTundra (Night)15,000zStygian ZinogreNight Stalker
Souls of DarknessHuntingTundra (Day)24,000zStygian ZinogreInfernal Overlord
Echo LocationHuntingTundra (Night)15,400zGlacial AgnaktorNight Stalker
Break the BrachydiosHuntingVolcano (Night)13,200zBrachydios
Rathalos AlertHuntingVolcano (Day)13,500zRathalos
Key QuestVolcanic ActivityHuntingVolcano (Day)23,200zRathalosRathalos Alert
Key QuestDenizen of the Molten DeepHuntingVolcano (Day)14,600zAgnaktorNight Stalker
The Thrill of the HuntHuntingVolcano (Night)14,600zUragaan
Ace in the HoleHuntingVolcano (Night)15,400zSteel UragaanThe Thrill of the Hunt
Azure AttackHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)14,400zAzure RathalosRathalos Alert
Hunting the HunterHuntingMisty Peaks (Day)14,200zZinogreNight Stalker
Hungry EyesHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)13,500zNargacuga
Save the Princess!HuntingTundra (Night)17,700zLagombi
[Canteen] Cold Day in HellHuntingTundra (Day)15,700zGreat BaggiNight Stalker
[Advanced] Blue, Blue SkiesHuntingDeserted Island (Day)23,100zAzure RathalosAzure Attack
[Advanced] Cloudless ThunderHuntingDeserted Island (Day)22,800zZinogreHunting the Hunter
[Advanced] Lagiacrus AlertHuntingDeserted Island (Night)31,700zLagiacrusThe Fishermans Fiend
[Advanced] Triple ThreatHuntingDeserted Island (Day)34,200zGreen NargacugaRuler of Two Realms
[Advanced] Dutys CallHuntingDeserted Island (Day)26,800zNargacugaHungry Eyes
[Advanced] Rathalos SummitHuntingDeserted Island (Night)32,400zRathalos
[Advanced] Deaths EmbraceHuntingSandy Plains (Day)24,700zBlack DiablosMidnight Madness
[Advanced] Tyrant TerrorHuntingSandy Plains (Night)24,000zDiablos
[Advanced] Diablos ThreeHuntingSandy Plains (Day)35,100zDiablos
[Advanced] Twister TrioHuntingSandy Plains (Night)34,600zSand Barioth
[Advanced] Horn HunterHuntingSandy Plains (Night)23,100zDiablos
[Advanced] Plain DangerousHuntingSandy Plains (Day)23,900zSand BariothMidnight Madness
[Advanced] Ivory IndignationHuntingFlooded Forest (Night)26,000zIvory LagiacrusRuler of Two Realms
[Advanced] Forest FollyHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)32,400zNargacugaHungry Eyes
[Advanced] Crus ControlHuntingFlooded Forest (Day)23,600zLagiacrusThe Fishermans Fiend
[Advanced] Breaking the IceHuntingTundra (Day)24,700zGlacial AgnaktorEcho Location
[Advanced] White NoiseHuntingTundra (Night)28,000zGreat BaggiEcho Location
[Advanced] Save the TundraHuntingTundra (Night)19,500zBaleful GigginoxErratic Electricity
[Advanced] Hot FeetHuntingVolcano (Night)24,000zUragaan
[Advanced] Crimson CrisisHuntingVolcano (Night)16,800zCrimson Qurupeco
[Advanced] The Sea of FlameHuntingVolcano (Night)35,100zAgnaktorDenizen of the Molten Deep
[Advanced] Feel the HeatHuntingVolcano (Day)35,100zUragaan
[Advanced] Nerves of SteelHuntingVolcano (Day)24,700zSteel UragaanAce in the Hole
[Advanced] A Burnt OfferingHuntingVolcano (Night)34,900zAzure Rathalos
[Advanced] Fate and FireHuntingVolcano (Day)28,800zVolvidonAce in the Hole
[Advanced] Power CoupleHuntingMisty Peaks (Night)19,500zPink RathianAzure Attack
[Advanced] Swift ShadowsHuntingMisty Peaks (Day)22,400zNargacugaHungry Eyes
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Star :
 Quest NameTypeAreaRewardMain MonsterRequirement's
Hot and BotheredHuntingSandy Plains (Night)23,700zBlack Diablos
Ring of the Golden LuneHuntingTower (Day)16,500zGold Rathian
Ring of the Silver SolHuntingTower (Day)16,500zSilver Rathalos
Moonlight TrystHuntingTower (Night)26,400zGold RathianRing of the Golden Lune
The Invisible PredatorHuntingTower (Night)17,000zLucent Nargacuga
The Hammer and the AxeHuntingArena (Night)19,400zDuramboros
Fang, Fang: You are DeadHuntingArena (Night)23,400zZinogre
Qurupeco Two-stepHuntingArena (Night)10,600zQurupeco
Ode to BarrothHuntingArena (Night)14,800zBarroth
Eyes of the StormHuntingArena (Night)22,400zBarioth
Opposites DetractHuntingArena (Night)24,000zAgnaktor
Rage MatchHuntingArena (Night)26,900zDeviljho
Abyssal LagiacrusHuntingUnderwater Ruin (Night)18,500zAbyssal Lagiacrus
Festival on the Sea of SandHuntingGreat Desert (Night)30,000zHallowed Jhen Mohran
Awesome MawHuntingArena (Night)17,700zNibelsnarf
Key QuestThe Black Flame of CalamityHuntingTainted Sea (Night)33,600zDire Miralis
All-terrain TerrorHuntingDeserted Island (Day)32,000zRathalos
Operation: Last StandHuntingSandy Plains (Day)30,100zVolvidon
Tundra Trump CardsHuntingTundra (Day)24,700zLagombi
Mountain MassacreHuntingMisty Peaks (Day)25,900zRathian
Best of EnemiesHuntingArena (Day)27,400zGreat Wroggi
The Earth QuakersHuntingArena (Day)41,900zPink Rathian
四色影陣HuntingArena (Day)44,720zBarioth
巨重攻伐HuntingArena (Day)42,500zBlack Diablos
大いに凱歌を奏したりHuntingArena (Day)46,900zIvory Lagiacrus
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