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Felyne Kitchen

Type Star Ingredient Name How to unlock
Thorny MeatFrom beginning
Moss PorkFrom beginning
Popo TongueClear tanjia quest [Canteen] Road Work
★★King TurkeyClear tanjia quest [Canteen] Grab a Gobul!
★★★Dragon HeadClear tanjia quest [Canteen] End of the Roads
ワカメクラゲFrom beginning
オンプウオFrom beginning
Queen ShrimpClear tanjia quest [Canteen] The Fisher King
★★Tuna HeadClear delivery quest from junior
★★★Pink CaviarClear tanjia quest [Canteen] Fishing Failure
CrustbreadFrom beginning
Grainy WheatFrom beginning
Jumbo BreadTalk to wandering cook at tanjia port, after clearing village quest Pain in the Plains
★★Heaven BreadTalk to wandering cook at tanjia port, after clearing village quest Accident Investigation
★★★MegabagelClear delivery quest from junior
棍棒ネギFrom beginning
ドテカボチャFrom beginning
オニオニオンTalk to farm owner, after clearing village quest Shakalaka Savior
★★Fatty TomatoTalk to farm owner, after clearing village quest Fell the Lagiacrus!
★★★King TruffleAfter repeling Ceadeus, talk to farm owner
Mossy CheeseFrom beginning
Salty MilkFrom beginning
Buffalo ButterClear tanjia quest [Canteen] Forecast: Lagombi
★★Royale CheeseClear delivery quest from junior
★★★Kirin ButterClear village quest [Canteen] The Endless Hunt
達人ビールAfter clearing tanjia quest Double Trouble, talk to oldman at tanjia portDouble Trouble
タンジアビールAfter clearing tanjia quest Double Trouble, talk to oldman at tanjia portDouble Trouble
パニーズ酒Clear tanjia quest [Canteen] Desert Rumble!
★★Blessed WineClear tanjia quest [Canteen] Cold Day in Hell
★★★Goldenfish BrewClear tanjia quest [Canteen] Submarine Struggle
Click on Quest Name for Quest Details

 Food Combination
Fry Boiled Steam Sauteed
Felyne Polisher
Felyne Slugger
Felyne Specialist
Felyne Black Belt
Felyne Riser (Lo)
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Slider
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Water Resist
Felyne Sharpshooter
Felyne Temper
Felyne Bombardier
Felyne Combiner (Hi)
Felyne Pyro
Flyene Heroics
Felyne Throwing Art
Cool Cat
Felyne Medic
Fraidy Cat
Felyne Defender (Hi)
Felyne Defender (Hi)
Felyne Comrade
Felyne Swimming master
Felyne Comrade
Felyne Swimming master
Felyne Comrade
Felyne Swimming master
Felyne Comrade
Felyne Swimming master
Felyne Climber (Lo)
Felyne Woodsman
Felyne Gatherer
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Courage
Felyne Gatherer
Felyne Lander
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Supercat
Felyne Lander
Felyne Climber (Lo)
Felyne Fishing
Felyne Explorer
Felyne Daredevil
Felyne Charisma
Felyne Logistic
Felyne Combiner (Hi)
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Water Resist
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Oracle
Felyne Combiner (Hi)
Felyne Dungmaster
Felyne Firewalker
Felyne Ukemi
Felyne Insomnia
Felyne Moxie
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Water Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Slider
Felyne Dragon Resist
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Swimming master
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Woodsman
Felyne Bombardier
Felyne Moxie
Felyne Foodie
Felyne Foodie
Felyne Foodie
Felyne Foodie
Lucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Felyne Carver (Hi)
Unlucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Felyne Hypnotic
Unlucky Cat
Felyne Kickboxer
Unlucky Cat
Click on Skill Name for Skill Details

 Kitchen Skills
Skill Name Description
Felyne PolisherSword sharpener effect
Felyne SluggerIncrease KO point
Felyne SpecialistIncrease status attack
Felyne Black BeltReduce stamina consumption , when evading or blocking
Felyne Riser (Lo)Extends invincible time when getting up
Felyne Riser (Hi)Greatly extends invincible time when getting up
Felyne GroomerHalves the effect of defend or element resist down
Felyne Escape ArtistReduce stamina consumption , when running from big monster
Felyne SliderEasier to escape when pinned by a large monster
Felyne CourageHunter will not flinch when spotted by a large monster
Felyne Fire ResistRaise fire resistance
Felyne Water ResistRaise water resistance
Felyne Thunder ResistRaise thunder resistance
Felyne Ice ResistRaise Ice resistance
Felyne Dragon ResistRaise dragon resistance
Felyne Throwing ArtIncrease demage throwing item, such as boomerang or throwing knives or stone
Felyne SharpshooterIncrease demage Normal S or bow level
Felyne TemperIncrease bow gun demage, in return increase deviation
Felyne BombardierGunnery king effect
Felyne Combiner (Lo)Increase combine rate 10%
Felyne Combiner (Hi)Increase combine rate 20%
Felyne MedicIncrease healing items, and antidote combine rate become 100%
Fraidy CatLarge monster that appears in the quest is likely to be weak (reduce attack)
Felyne DaredevilQuest environment become unstable
Felyne Defender (Lo)Low probability decrease damage.
Felyne Defender (Hi)High probability decrease damage.
Felyne Swimming masterReduce stamina consuption in the water
Felyne ComradeChacha and Kayanba gain more xp and will fight longer
Felyne GathererRaises the number of times items can be gathered at gathering points
Felyne WoodsmanDecrease probability Pickaxes and Bug Nets breaking.
Felyne Climber (Lo)Give resist to small attack when climbing ivy
Felyne Climber (Hi)Give resist to large attack when climbing ivy
Felyne SupercatReduce stamina consuption when transporting an item, and prevent being knocked by small attack
Felyne StrongcatReduce stamina consuption when transporting an item, and prevent being knocked by large attack
Felyne LanderItem will not break, even jumping from high place
Felyne FishingIncrease fishing skill
Felyne OracleDisplay large monster location when quest start for limited amount of time
Felyne DungmasterMonster instantly flee when hit by a dung bomb, and dung bomb combination rate become 100%
Felyne FirewalkerPrevents damage when walking on lava
Felyne FoodiePrevents food effects when hunter faint in battle
Felyne UkemiStrong body effect
Felyne Great BreakIncrease sharpness when hunter attack bounced
Flyene HeroicsIncrease attack when health is below 40% of maximum
Cool CatGrants a temporary attack up when use the Kick Back gesture
Felyne MoxieLeave 1 health when hunter receive demage exceeds remaining health, active when hp below 60%
Felyne PyroIncrease demage slime and barrel bomb
Felyne BlasterIncreases the effect time of Felyine Bombs.
Felyne Carver (Lo)Give small chance to increase the number of carve time
Felyne Carver (Hi)Give large chance to increase the number of carve time
Lucky CatIncreases the number of Reward Items received
Ultra Lucky CatGreatly increases the number of Reward Items received
Unlucky CatUnfortunate event happened at the start quest
Crazy Lucky CatDoubles the amount of zenny received
Felyne ExchangerIncreases the number of Hunter Rank Points received
Felyne ExplorerStarting point from hidden area
Felyne LogisticItem box instantly delivered (Hirank and Grank)
Felyne CharismaIncrease the number of times to exchange ticket to Elder
Felyne InsomniaCan not sleep at base camp
Felyne HypnoticGrants a temporary Attack and defend up when quest started
Felyne KickboxerIncrease kick demage
Felyne FighterIncrease Shadow Box gesture demage
Felyne HornblowerDecrease probability Horns breaking.
Felyne BulldozerIncrease sharpness to 2nd attack when first attack bounced
Felyne SupercarverPrevents knockbacks while carving.
If any, click on Skill Name to look up to Food Combinations