1 | 村長のじんべい | Clear all village low rank quests (★1 - 5) |
2 | 村長のキセル | Clear all village high rank quests (★6 - 9) |
3 | アイシャお手製のおまもり | Slay Aletreon on village quest (then talk to girls who provide quests) |
4 | 赤銅のメダル | Clear all Port Tanzia low rank quests (★1 - 2) |
5 | 白銀のメダル | Clear all Port Tanzia high rank quests (★3 - 5) |
6 | 黄金のメダル | Clear all Port Tanzia G rank quests (★6 - 8) |
7 | チャンピオンバッジ | Clear all arena quests (training) |
8 | 大会認定トロフィー | Clear all arena quests (training) with A or S rank as result |
9 | 強者の証 | Clear all [Advanced] quest (<<高難度>>) |
10 | 手練の証 | Clear all continuous hunting quest |
11 | 天地狩猟ノ覇紋 | Clear all quest (village, Port Tanzia, area/training) |
12 | 蒼海の首飾り | Slay / trap a Lagiacrus on village low rank quest |
13 | 名誉ハンター | Talk to guild master (Port Tanzia) after slay Dire Miralis |
14 | 深海の大勾玉 | Repel Ceadeus on village low rank |
15 | 白金の両刃剣 | Slay / trap a Ivory Lagiacrus on village quest |
16 | 皇の金鏡 | Slay Goldbeard Ceadeus on Port Tanzia Grank quest |
17 | 峯山の水晶石 | Slay Jhen Mohran |
18 | 霊山の水晶塊 | Slay Hallowed Jhen Mohran |
19 | 黒曜石のブローチ | Slay / trap Brachydios |
20 | 煉獄の指輪 | Slay Dire Miralis |
21 | 煌黒の指輪 | Slay Alatreon |
22 | 月迅竜の羽織 | Slay Lucent Nargacuga |
23 | 飢え渇く恐暴竜の血 | Slay Savage Deviljho |
24 | 冥海の首飾り | Slay Abyssal Lagiacrus |
25 | 古びた子供用お面 | Obtain all shakalaka masks and dances (exclude DLC) |
26 | 子分表彰状 | Raise Cha-cha level to 50 |
27 | 子分認定書 | Raise Kayamba level to 50 |
28 | ともだちの証 | Raise Cha-cha and Kayamba friendships level to the max |
29 | 賢者の巻物 | Perform all combine items |
30 | 生態研究報告書 | Capture all captureable monsters (exclude Savage Deviljho and Abyssal Lagiacrus) |
31 | 狩人の護石 | Get 100 talismans |
32 | 狩人のあゆみ | Clear 20 quests on each map of the game, including maps such as Great Desert (Jhen Mohran, Hallowed Jhen Mohran), and Underwater Ruin (Ceadeus, Goldbeard Ceadeus, Abyssal Lagiacrus), The Tower (Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos, Lucent Nargacuga) |
33 | 一流ファーム認定書 | Upgrade all farm facilities level to the max |
34 | 交易朱印状 | Gather and trade all the Rare Commodites found by hunting large monsters in Moga woods |
35 | 義兄弟の契り | Upgrade all ships level to the max (Capcom has been officially announce for the bugs, patch your savedata to fix the bugs problem) |
36 | 竜職人のトンカチ | Have at lease 10 Last strengthening weapons of each weapon class, and a certain number of rare 8 or more armors |
37 | 記念インテリア盾 | Get 20 interior decorations (include initial decoration) |
38 | 一つ星タンジア鍋 | Upgrade all food ingredients level to the max |
39 | リュウグウガニの宝玉 | Reach 1 million Village Resource points |
40 | ギルドからの花束 | Reach 1 million Hunter Rank points |
41 | プーギーボール | Collect all Poogie outfits |
42 | ビッグクラウン | Collect all silver crown sized monsters |
43 | キングクラウン | Collect all maximum king sized monsters |
44 | ミニチュアクラウン | Collect all minimum king sized monsters |