Felyne Kitchen
Type Star Ingredient Name How to unlock
棘肉 (Thorny Meat)
From beginning
モスポーク (Moss Pork)
From beginning
ポポノタン (Popo Tongue)
Clear Guild quest Star 2: 凍れるポポノタン
★★キングターキー (King Turkey)
Clear Guild quest Star 3: 高難度:氷海の大食漢共!
★★★龍頭 (Dragon Head)
Clear Guild quest Star 4: 金と緑の牙獣旋風
ワカメクラゲ (Algae Jellyfish)
From beginning
オンプウオ (Scalefish)
From beginning
女帝エビ (Queen Shrimp)
Clear Village quest Star 3: ドスゲネポスの捕獲
★★たてがみマグロ (Tuna Head)
Clear Guild quest Star 3: 狩人たちの天域
★★★ピンクキャビア (Pink Caviar)
Clear delivery quest from Trader: お魚は鮮度が命!
ミミパン (Crustbread)
From beginning
ココットライス (Kokoto Rice)
From beginning
ジャンボパン (Jumbo Bread)
Clear Village quest Star 2: アルセルタス、突撃!
★★ヘブンブレッド (Heaven Bread)
Clear Village quest Star 4: ガララアジャラの狩猟
★★★マスターベーグル (Megabagel)
Clear Village quest Star 5: 火竜を捕獲せよ!
棍棒ネギ (Cudgel Onion)
From beginning
ドテカボチャ (Plumpkin)
From beginning
オニオニオン (Rapscallion)
Clear Village quest Star 2: アルセルタス、突撃!
★★シモフリトマト (Fatty Tomato)
Clear Village quest Star 4: ガララアジャラの狩猟
★★★キングトリュフ (King Truffle)
Clear Village quest Star 5: 火竜を捕獲せよ!
苔チーズ (Mossy Cheese)
From beginning
塩ミルク (Salty Milk)
From beginning
猛牛バター (Buffalo Butter)
Clear Delivery quest from Trader: 栄養満点ミルク!
★★ロイヤルチーズ (Royale Cheese)
Clear Village quest Star 4: ふたつの影
★★★幻獣バター (Kirin Butter)
Clear Village quest Star 6: 秘密の卵運搬・最後の難問
達人ビール (Master Cola)
タンジアビール (Tanzia Ale)
パニーズ酒 (Panish)
Clear Guild quest Star 4: なんて素敵な灰水晶
★★ブレスワイン (Blessed Wine)
Clear Guild quest Star 5: 燃え上がる双炎
★★★黄金芋酒 (Goldenfish Brew)
Clear Guild quest Star 6: 高難度:天と地の領域!
Click on Quest Name for Quest Details

Food Combination
Fry Boiled Steam Sauteed
Felyne Polisher
Felyne Slugger
Felyne Specialist
Felyne Black Belt
Felyne Riser (Lo)
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Slider
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Water Resist
Felyne Sharpshooter
Felyne Temper
Felyne Bombardier
Felyne Combiner (Lo)
Felyne Pyro
Felyne Heroics
Felyne Throwing Art
Cool Cat
Felyne Medic
Felyne Fear Factor
Felyne Defender (Lo)
Felyne Riser (Hi)
Felyne Defender (Hi)
Felyne Searcher
Felyne Trainer
Felyne Trainer
Felyne Searcher
Felyne Trainer
Felyne Searcher
Felyne Trainer
Felyne Searcher
Felyne Climber
Felyne Woodsman
Felyne Gatherer
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Courage
Felyne Gatherer
Felyne Lander
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Supercat
Felyne Lander
Felyne Climber
Felyne Fishing
Felyne Explorer
Felyne Game Changer
Felyne Logistics
Felyne Charisma
Felyne Combiner (Lo)
Felyne Combiner (Hi)
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Water Resist
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Oracle
Felyne Combiner (Hi)
Felyne Dungmaster
Felyne Boots
Felyne Balancer
Felyne Acrobat
Felyne Insomnia
Felyne Moxie
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Water Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Groomer
Felyne Dragon Resist
Felyne Slider
Felyne Escape Artist
Felyne Searcher
Felyne Ice Resist
Felyne Fire Resist
Felyne Thunder Resist
Felyne Woodsman
Felyne Bombardier
Felyne Moxie
Felyne Foodie
Felyne Foodie
Felyne Foodie
Felyne Foodie
Lucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Felyne Carver (Lo)
Felyne Booster
Felyne Kickboxer
Unlucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Unlucky Cat
Click on Skill Name for Skill Details

Kitchen Skills
Skill Name Description
ネコの研磨術 [Felyne Polisher]
Reduce the time taken when sharpnening
ネコのKO術 [Felyne Slugger]
Increase KO point when hitting with an attack that can causes KO
ネコの特殊攻撃術 [Felyne Specialist]
Increase Status Attack (Poison, Sleep & Paralyze)
ネコの体術 [Felyne Black Belt]
Reduce stamina consumption when evading or blocking
ネコの起上がり術【小】 [Felyne Riser (Lo)]
Extends invincible time when getting up after knocked down by an attack
ネコの起上がり術【大】 [Felyne Riser (Hi)]
Greatly extends invincible time when getting up after knocked down by an attack
ネコの毛づくろい上手 [Felyne Groomer]
Halves the effect of Defense down or Elemental Resistance down
ネコの逃走術 [Felyne Escape Artist]
Reduce stamina consumption when running away from Large Monster(s)
ネコのすりぬけ術 [Felyne Slider]
Easier to escape when pinned by Large Monster(s)
ネコの胆力 [Felyne Courage]
Hunter will not be scared when first spotted by Large Monster(s)
ネコの火属性得意 [Felyne Fire Resist]
Increase Fire Elemental Resistance by 3 points (If your initial resistance has a minus value, this skill makes that resistance to 3)
ネコの水属性得意 [Felyne Water Resist]
Increase Water Elemental Resistance by 3 points (If your initial resistance has a minus value, this skill makes that resistance to 3)
ネコの雷属性得意 [Felyne Thunder Resist]
Increase Thunder Elemental Resistance by 3 points (If your initial resistance has a minus value, this skill makes that resistance to 3)
ネコの氷属性得意 [Felyne Ice Resist]
Increase Ice Elemental Resistance by 3 points (If your initial resistance has a minus value, this skill makes that resistance to 3)
ネコの龍属性得意 [Felyne Dragon Resist]
Increase Dragon Elemental Resistance by 3 point (If your initial resistance has a minus value, this skill makes that resistance to 3)
ネコの投擲術 [Felyne Throwing Art]
Increase the damage of throwing items (Boomerang, Throwing Knive(s) & Stone)
ネコの射撃術 [Felyne Sharpshooter]
Increase the damage of Normal S (for bowgun) or Rapid S (for Bow)
ネコの暴れ撃ち [Felyne Temper]
Increase the damage of Bowgun & Bow, but increases Deviation
ネコの砲撃術 [Felyne Bombardier]
Increase the damage of Cannon, Ballista & shelling of Gunlance
ネコの調合術【小】 [Felyne Combiner (Lo)]
Combination chances +10%
ネコの調合術【大】 [Felyne Combiner (Hi)]
Combination chances +20%
ネコの医療術 [Felyne Medic]
Increase the healing value of healing items, also Antidote Herb & Bitterbug now 100% cures poison
ネコの弱いの来い! [Felyne Fear Factor]
Large Monster(s) that appears in the quest is likely to have a lower HP
ネコのかかってこい [Felyne Game Changer]
Makes Large Monster appear immediately in an unstable enviroment quests
ネコの防御術【小】 [Felyne Defender (Lo)]
Slight chances to decrease damage received
ネコの防御術【大】 [Felyne Defender (Hi)]
Higher chances to decrease damage received
ネコの採取術 [Felyne Gatherer]
Raises the number of times items can be gathered at gathering points
ネコの道具倹約術 [Felyne Woodsman]
Decrease probability Pickaxes and Bug Nets breaking.
ネコの運搬の超人 [Felyne Supercat]
Reduce stamina consuption when transporting an item, and prevent being knocked by small attack
ネコの運搬の鉄人 [Felyne Strongcat]
Reduce stamina consuption when transporting an item, and prevent being knocked by large attack
ネコの着地術 [Felyne Lander]
Will land perfectly when jumping from higher ledges. Eggs/Heavy minerals will not break when jumping from ledges with this skill active.
ネコの釣り上手 [Felyne Fishing]
Increase the time to respond when the fish bite the bait
ネコの千里眼の術 [Felyne Oracle]
Display the location of Large Monster(s) when the quest starts, and every 5 minutes after that
ネコのこやし玉達人 [Felyne Dungmaster]
Monster will instantly flee when hit by a dung bomb, and Dung Bomb combination rate become 100%
ネコのおまけ術 [Felyne Foodie]
Fainting on the quest will not remove the Meal Effect
ネコの受け身術 [Felyne Acrobat]
Fasten the time to stands up when knocked by an attack
ネコの火事場力 [Felyne Heroics]
Greatly increases players Attack when health is low (Does not stacks with Adrenaline Skill, this skill will over ride the effect of Adrenaline)
ネコの休憩術 [Cool Cat]
Using くつろぐ action for 5 seconds, will grant the player +15 Attack for 30 seconds
ネコのド根性 [Felyne Moxie]
For ONE TIME per quest, leave the player with 1 HP when hit by an attack that suppose to kill the player
ネコの火薬術 [Felyne Pyro]
Increase the damage of Barrel Bombs and Explosion value by 10% (Stacks with Bomber Skill)
ネコの解体術【小】 [Felyne Carver (Lo)]
Slight chances to carve the Monster one more time
招きネコの幸運 [Lucky Cat]
Chance of increasing the Quest Reward Items
招きネコの激運 [Ultra Lucky Cat]
Higher chance of increasing the Quest Reward Items
招きネコの悪運 [Unlucky Cat]
An unfortunate event happens at the start of the quest (Stamina becomes 25, Health becomes 25 or Stamina & Health becomes 25, only the current HP not the maximum HP)
招きネコの金運 [Crazy Lucky Cat]
Increase Zenny received after the quest by 50%
ネコの換算術 [Felyne Exchanger]
Increases the Exchange Points received by 100%
ネコの秘境探索術 [Felyne Explorer]
When doing a non Gathering Quest, greatly increase the chances of starting on secret area
ネコの手配上手 [Felyne Logistics]
Supply Items will be delivered instantly when starting a Quest
ネコのカリスマ [Felyne Charisma]
Increase the number of times to Exchange Item to Elder to 6 times
ネコの不眠術 [Felyne Insomnia]
The player cannot sleep at camp (also cannot be slept by Gravios Sleep Gas)
ネコの短期催眠術 [Felyne Booster]
Grants +3 Attack & +10 Defense for 10 minutes when starting a Quest
ネコの蹴脚術 [Felyne Kickboxer]
Increase the damage of キック action
ネコの拳闘術 [Felyne Fighter]
Increase the damage of Shadow Box action
ネコの吹奏術 [Felyne Hornblower]
Decrease probability Horns breaking.
ネコのオトモ指導術 [Felyne Trainer]
Increases the experience gained by Felyne Comrades on quest
ネコの探索術 [Felyne Searcher]
Grants two stamps after completing `Unknown Woods` quest
ネコのはりつき超人 [Felyne Climber]
Slows Stamina reduction and cannot be easily knocked over when climbing
ネコの長靴術 [Felyne Boots]
Immune to all terrain damage (Player wont receive damage when standing over Magma or Poisonous Swamp)
ネコのふんばり術 [Felyne Balancer]
Prevents the hunter from being knocked over by fellow hunters or weak attacks
If any, click on Skill Name to look up to Food Combinations