Main Felyne Skills
Trend Skills
Main Otomo Trend Skills can only be set by putting a number of specific sub otomo airu trend on the reserve list.
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Increases the Attack of Player(s) & Otomo(s) | (ファイト) Fight x2 | Otomo(s) boomerang now can pierces through enemy(s) | (ファイト) Fight x3 | Increases the Attack of Player(s) & Otomo(s) greatly | (ファイト) Fight x4 | Increases the chances of the Main Otomo dealing Critical Attack(s) | (ファイト) Fight x5 | Increases the Defense of Player(s) & Otomo (s) | (ガード) Guard x2 | Increases the Defense of Player(s) & Otomo (s) greatly | (ガード) Guard x4 | Main Otomo now can Guard attacks that previously cannot be guarded | (ガード) Guard x5 | Otomo can now use a Shock Trap (player(s) Shock Trap will not be consumed) | (アシスト) Assist x2 | Otomo can detect Large Monster(s) within a period of time | (アシスト) Assist x3 | Increases Otomo(s) trap installation speed and the maximum number of Shock Trap that can be used | (アシスト) Assist x4 | Increases the speed of Otomo(s) HP recovery when resting (sitting down) | (アシスト) Assist x5 | Recover Player(s) & Otomo(s) Health | (回復) Recovery x2 | Recover Player(s) & Otomo(s) from Poison or Smelly status | (回復) Recovery x3 | Recover Players(s) & Otomo(s) Health greatly | (回復) Recovery x4 | Otomo will only drop good grades of healing item when scared by Large Monster(s) | (回復) Recovery x5 | Whenever a Player(s) or another Otomo sets up a Trap, immediately put a Large Bomb inside the trap | (ボマー) Bomber x2 | Otomo will only attack using Bomb(s) | (ボマー) Bomber x3 | When Otomo is angered, it will use Large Barrel Bomb to attack on the Large Monster(s) | (ボマー) Bomber x4 | When Otomo is angered, it will use Large Barrel Bomb G to attack on the Large Monster(s) | (ボマー) Bomber x5 | Otomo will use a huge Boomerang with increased attack | (ぶんどり) Snatcher x2 | Otomo will only attack using Boomerang | (ぶんどり) Snatcher x3 | Otomo will be less likey to be targetted by Large Monster(s) | (ぶんどり) Snatcher x4 | Otomo will steal item more easier | (ぶんどり) Snatcher x5 | Increase Otomo(s) collecting speed | (宝探し) Scavenger x2 | Otomo will only collect item(s) | (宝探し) Scavenger x3 | Increase the number of times Otomo can collect from the same spot | (宝探し) Scavenger x4 |
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Sub Felyne Skills
Quest Skills (クエスト)
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Add Paralyze status effect to Otomo(s) Melee and Ranged attacks | | Add Sleep status effect to Otomo(s) Melee and Ranged attacks | | Add Poison status effect to Otomo(s) Melee and Ranged attacks | | Add Explosion (Slime) status effect to Otomo(s) Melee and Ranged attacks | | Increase Otomo(s) Attack & Defense | | Increase Otomo(s) chances to do Critical Attack(s) | | Increase Otomo(s) all Elemental Resistance | | Otomo cannot be poisoned | | Otomo will not be flinched when Large Monster(s) roar | | Otomo will not be blown away by wind effect of Large Monster(s) | | Increase the effectiveness of Otomo(s) Guard | | Increase the effectiveness of Otomo(s) Guard greatly | | When Otomo get knocks down, it will rises up immediately | | When Otomo gets a Snowballed/Webbed , it will break immediately | | Otomo regenerates HP faster when fainted | | Otomo will gain an Attack up everytime it faints, until the 7th time. When it fainted for the 8th time, the bonus resets to 0 | | Otomo will gain a Defense up everytime it faints, until the 7th time. When it fainted for the 8th time, the bonus resets to 0 | | Otomo will recover some HP when it sits on the ground and do nothing | | Otomo will never sits down/idling | | Otomo will gain a tremendous Attack and Defense boost, but it cannot recover once it was fainted | | Increases the damage done when Otomo uses Cannons and Ballistas | | Otomo will not be collecting anything from gathering spot(s) | | If the Otomo is a Bomber type, sometimes it can will use Cat Powder Bomb. The Large Monster(s) that have been hit with this bomb can be detected by Otomo Airu. | |
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Mon Nyan Squad (モンニャン隊)
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In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Melee (Blue) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Great Melee (Blue) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Ranged (Yellow) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Great Ranged (Yellow) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Bomb (Red) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Great Bomb (Red) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Ranged (Yellow) & Melee (Blue) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Melee (Blue) & Bomb (Red) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, can do a Bomb (Red) & Ranged (Yellow) Attack | | In Mon Nyan Squad, increases the Health gained when eating a recovery item | | In Mon Nyan Squad, chances to get more reward | |
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Casting Net Machine (投網マシーン)
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Increase the size of the net | | Increase the number of rewards | | Makes the fish move slower | | Yield more Arowana type fish | | Yield more Kakusan type fish | | Yield more Small Gold Fish | |
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Otomo Institution (オトモ施設)
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Activate a random skill on Mon Nyan Squad or Casting Net Machine | | Increase the amount of Experience gained from Mon Nyan Squad and Casting Net Machine | |
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