A: Hunter and monster have to use same attack-type and win rock-paper-scissors against enemy without using any skill.
You can't trigger double action if any of you (hunter, your monster, or enemy target) use any skill.
It has to be normal attack only.
A: By looking at line gague between you or your monster, and enemy. Also your monster attack-type
Normal Attack
Enemy is going to use skill attack
My monster is going to use skill attack
A: By spaming Gendrome in Kupa Desert.
1. Take a quest (
3) that ask you to kill a Gendrome and another quest that kill 6 Genpreys.
2. Go to kuba desert to this point.

3. Kill a gendrome and go back to nearby camp.
4. Retake the quest and repeat.
Also you can sell Gendrome Head for 400z.
You can make 1300z - 2000z within 3 minutes!
A: The story require you to get Lagombi and put it in your party. Then talk to the big guy inside the house.
A: The story require you to break the stone that block water flow. The stone is just couple steps from where you find infected black diablos. don't go anywhere.
Put any monster that has 岩砕き (Rock Crusher) skill and direct to that stone. (possible monster Lagombi, Kutku, etc)
After some cutscenes the story will unlock Monster Expedition option and you have to do it. Just simply go to felyne that handling egg and send an expedition quest.
Please remember you have to wait for 20 minutes for expedition you sent to get done, in order to proceed the story.
A: The story require you to delivery 5 Gargua Wings, just go to Felyne Island outskirts and slay some Gargua, then talk to her again.
A: Go back to Hakumu Village (the beginning village).
A: Yes, there are couple of quiz side quests
3 - 脳天刺激クイズ
Q1 : Which monster that not live in Hakumu Village?
A1 : アオアシラ
Q2 : How much you get, if you sell a herb?
A2 : 6z
Q3 : How many male in Taruju Hot spring?
A3 : 4 People
3 - 閃き刺激クイズ
Q1 : What is the name of girl that has orange-colour hair in guild castle?
A1 : メル
Q2 : Who give you "Delivery tropical strawberry" quest?
A2 : 旅の商人
Q3 : How many large rib bones in Kuba Desert?
A3 : 6
5 - 思考刺激クイズ
Q1 : What is the colour of Domir's bandana?
A1 : 黄色
Q2 : Whose material that used for forging Flame rhino foz?
A2 : グラビモス
Q3 : How many arrows that stuck on dart board in Riveruto house?
A3 : 4
5 - 難解刺激クイズ
Q1 : What animal that swiming in Kubuni village's pole?
A1 : 2匹
Q2 : Where Golden door in Energy Research Institue lead to?
A2 : 標本の部屋
Q3 : How many recover point of Welldone meat G?
A3 : 200
A: After clearing Taruju Snowy Mountains story the big guy will give you some side quests to do.
To clear his quests you have to put certain monsters in your party and talk to him.
3 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負1
Put アプケロス (Apceros) in your party, then talk to him
3 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負2
Put フルフル亜種 (Red Khezu) in your party, then talk to him
3 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負3
Put ネルスキュラ (Nerscylla) in your party, then talk to him
4 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負4
Put ボルボロス (Barroth) in your party, then talk to him
4 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負5
Put ウラガンキン (Uragan) in your party, then talk to him
5 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負6
Put イャンガルルガ (Yian Garuga) in your party, then talk to him
5 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負7
Put ババコンガ (Congalala) in your party, then talk to him
5 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負8
Put ラギアクルス (Lagiacrus) in your party, then talk to him
6 - 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負9
Put キリン (Kirin) in your party, then talk to him