Skill Name | Description | Combo |
活力のソナタ (Vitality Song) | Restore small amount of party health for 3 turns | Technique + Technique |
北風のブルース (Windy Blues) | Negate heat of party during battle. Effect continues after battle | Speed + Speed |
元気のタンゴ (Healthy Tango) | Recover small amount of party health | Speed + Speed |
ソフト・ロック (Soft Rock) | Decrease attack of all enemies for 3 turns | Power + Power |
太陽のボサノバ (Sun Bossanova) | Negate cold of party during battle. Effect continues after battle | Power + Power |
テクニック・ノイズ (Technique Noise) | Higher chance to disable enemy for using Power-type attack | Technique + Speed + Technique |
鉄壁のロンド (Iron Wall Rondo) | Increase small amount of party defend for 3 turns | Technique + Technique |
ビート・トリオ (Trio Beat) | Land 3 hit attacks on enemy | Speed + Power + Technique |
ビート・ピアノ (Piano Beat) | Higher chance to reduce enemy defend | Speed + Technique + Speed |
ビート・フォルテ (Forte Beat) | Might increase user attack | Technique + Speed + Power |
予防のヨーデル (Prevention Yodel) | Party immune toward abnormal status for 3 turns | Technique + Technique + Technique |
浄化のワルツ (Purification Waltz) | Restore allies from abnormal status | Power + Power |
剛力のマーチ (Herculean March) | Increase small amount of allies attack power | Power + Power |
神秘のアンコール (Angkor Mysteries) | Prolong buff effect to party for another 3 turns | Technique + Technique |
疾風のサンバ (Gale Samba) | Increase allies speed for 3 turns | Speed + Speed |
アシッド。ジャズ (Acid Jazz) | Increase allies defend for 3 turns | Technique + Technique |
ヘヴィ。メタル (Heavy Metal) | Decrease speed of all enemies for 3 turns | Speed + Speed |
伝心のデュエッチ (Heart Duet) | Increase bond gauge rate to x1.5 for 3 turns | Power + Power + Power |
ショック。ラウド (Loud Shock) | Might knockdown all enemies for 1 turn | Technique + Technique |
スカ。パンク (Punk Ska) | Decrease all enemies defend to 0 for 1 turn | Technique + Technique + Technique |
共鳴のシンフォニー (Resonance Symphony) | Increase bond gauge rate to x3 for 1 turn | Power + Power + Power |