1 | 【依頼】タマゴはあるまい | Show him a Fanged Beast Egg | 900z |
1 | 【依頼】持ちつ持たれつ | Deliver 3 Iron Ore | 800z |
1 | 【依頼】お願いサシミウオ | Deliver 3 Sushifish | 750z |
1 | 【依頼】大地の恵み | Deliver 2 Earth Crystal | 800z |
1 | 【依頼】タマゴの神秘 | Show him a Herbivorous Egg | 900z |
1 | 【依頼】芳醇なキノコ | Deliver 1 Special Mushroom | 200z |
1 | 【依頼】ライダー会報告1 | Slay 1 Velocidrome | 1200z |
1 | 【依頼】突進!危機一髪! | Slay 5 Bullfangos | 1000z |
1 | 【依頼】ライダー会報告2 | Slay 1 Blue Yian Kut-ku | 1500z |
1 | 【依頼】青き疾風の大剣 | Craft Velocidrome Great Sword | 4000z |
1 | 【依頼】タマゴの重み | Show him a Water wyvern egg. It has to be little-bit-heavy type egg, can't use other weight. | 3200z |
1 | 【依頼】ライダー会報告3 | Deliver 50 Velociprey Scales | 7000z |
2 | 【依頼】ひんやり氷結晶 | Deliver 5 Ice Crystals | 1200z |
2 | 【依頼】風情のある灯り | Deliver 2 Flash Bugs | 1000z |
2 | 【依頼】猛烈なる矢尻たち | Deliver 2 Zamite Scales | 1200z |
2 | 【依頼】湯煙と化け鮫 | Slay 1 infected Zamitros | 2500z |
3 | 【依頼】青き疾風の大剣 | Craft a Velocidrome Great Sword | 4000z |
3 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負1 | Put アプケロス (Apceros) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 1200z |
3 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負2 | Put フルフル亜種 (Red Khezu) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負3 | Put ネルスキュラ (Nerscylla) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】気になる感触 | Craft a Zamitros Hammer | 3000z |
3 | 【依頼】脳天刺激クイズ! | Answer all questions correctly. You can find all answers in our F.A.Q page | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】海岸の片隅 | Slay 1 infected Plum Daimyo Hermitaur | 2200z |
3 | 【依頼】健康の秘訣 | Deliver 1 Paw Stamp | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】桜色の季節 | Slay 1 Pink Rathian located in Sakura Tree path | 3000z |
3 | 【依頼】不穏な赤い影 | Slay 1 Red Khezu | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】フラチなチョウサ | Deliver 3 Tuna Sharks | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】夢とロマン1 | Deliver 3 Coins | 1500z |
3 | 【依頼】夢とロマン2 | Deliver 5 Coins | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】夢とロマン3 | Deliver 8 Coins | 3200z |
3 | 【依頼】夢とロマン4 | Deliver 10 coins | 4000z |
3 | 【依頼】夢とロマン5 | Deliver 15 coins | 5000z |
3 | 【依頼】夢とロマン6 | Deliver 20 coins | 6000z |
3 | 【依頼】ルドロスの観察 | Slay 6 Ludroths | 1800z |
3 | 【依頼】飛甲虫を振り払え | Slay 7 Bnahabra (Red) | 1500z |
3 | 【依頼】もっと暑く! | Deliver 30 Genprey Scales | 3000z |
3 | 【依頼】危険なキノコ | Deliver 3 Nitroshrooms | 1200z |
3 | 【依頼】砂漠の果実 | Deliver 1 Tropical Strawberry | 1000z |
3 | 【依頼】砂漠に巣食う骸 | Slay 1 Nerscylla | 2000z |
3 | 【依頼】ねじれた黒き悪魔 | Slay 1 Black Diablos | 4000z |
3 | 【依頼】万能マカライト | Deliver 3 Machalite Ores | 1000z |
3 | 【依頼】オアシスの復興 | Deliver 15 Iron Ores | 8000z |
3 | 【依頼】頑固頑丈な片手剣 | Craft Barroth Sword and Shield | 3000z |
3 | 【依頼】困った息子たち | Talk to the man who doing fishing in Guild Castle | 1500z |
3 | 【依頼】閃き刺激クイズ! | Answer all questions correctly. You can find all answers in our F.A.Q page | 3200z |
3 | 続・困った息子たち | Talk to guy who stands next to praying pot in guild castle, then go to merchant area talk to guy who stands between 2 tends and next to large tree | 0z |
4 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負4 | Put ボルボロス (Barroth) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 3200z |
4 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負5 | Put ウラガンキン (Uragan) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 3200z |
4 | 【依頼】書士隊隊長の過去 | Answer all questions correctly. You can find all answers in our F.A.Q page | 10000z |
4 | 【依頼】ピリ辛なおつまみ | Deliver 3 Spice Worms | 3000z |
4 | 【依頼】モモイロノキモチ | Talk to the kid who stand next to congalala in Hakumu Village | 4000z |
4 | 【依頼】リヴェルトの師匠 | | 10000z |
4 | 【依頼】甲虫を薙ぎ払え | Deliver 50 Bnahabra Shells | 6000z |
4 | 【依頼】もっと暑く!! | Deliver Hemitaur Shell | 5000z |
4 | 【依頼】一流への紅き道 | Deliver 1 Firestone | 3200z |
4 | 【依頼】怪力の源 | Deliver 2 Might Seed | 3000z |
4 | 【依頼】龍を殺す実 | Deliver 1 Dragonfell Berry | 2800z |
4 | 【依頼】ウロコトルの討伐 | Slay 6 Uroktors | 3000z |
4 | 【依頼】影の盾役者 | Deliver 30 Kunchuu Shells | 6000z |
4 | 【依頼】底知れぬ黒轟竜 | Craft a Black tigrex hammer | 5000z |
5 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負6 | Put イャンガルルガ (Yian Garuga) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 5000z |
5 | 【依頼】怒りのタックル | Slay 8 Jaggia | 4500z |
5 | 【依頼】キラキラコオロギ | Deliver 1 Gold Cricket | 3000z |
5 | 【依頼】思考刺激クイズ! | Answer all questions correctly. You can find all answers in our F.A.Q page | 4000z |
5 | 【依頼】毒々パニック | Slay 1 Pink Royal Ludroth | 5000z |
5 | 【依頼】ホネ・ホネ・ホネ | Deliver 3 Monster Bones [L] | 4000z |
5 | 【依頼】マブダチの行方 | Talk to one of 4 felyne in Volcano Village | 4500z |
5 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負7 | Put ババコンガ (Congalala) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 0z |
5 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負8 | Put ラギアクルス (Lagiacrus) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 0z |
6 | 【依頼】なぞなぞ勝負9 | Put キリン (Kirin) in your party, then talk to that big guy | 0z |