Welcome to mhkita's new sub section, Toukiden |
I'm making this section because there are lots of people playing this game and they are looking for info on this game. |
So my friends and I decided to help people that have trouble with japanese. |
We have translated the skill as close to the actual japanese kanji as much as possible. |
The data in this section we collected mainly from japanese wiki and some of it have already tested by me and my friends. |
The rest of the skill we haven't tested, will be tested once we have gotten further in the game. |
If you spotted a irregularity, a typo or any incorrect information please don't hesitate to contact us. |
About copyright, |
We own the english information, scripts logic and database structure, cause we translated from Japan language by ourself. |
If you want to reuse the information, share or profitmaking from those information, you have to give refferal to our site. |
In the end, please respect writers, cause they have put efforts when working on this site. |
Credits to who have worked on this site, |
- id0x0 |
- JayuZmaN |