Mitama 魂 (Soul) Tamafuri |
追駆 | Follow Through | Shoot the power of soul to the currently locked enemy part or to the last part of the enemy that was hit (the more soul gauge accumulated, will increase the damage and size) | 連昇 | Rising Company | Launched the power of soul from beneath to the currently locked enemy part or to the last part of the enemy that was hit (the more soul gauge accumulated, will increase the damage and number of hits ) | 破敵ノ法 | Principle of Destroying Enemy | Manipulate the power of soul from inside to the currently locked enemy part or to the last part of the enemy that was hit (the more soul gauge accumulated, will increase the damage) | 治癒 | Healing | Restore health |
 Mitama 魂 (Soul) List |
Elegant (雅) | Offline chapter 1: quest「ミフチを討て!」monster (確定入手) | |
1 | 鬼千切初段 (Basics of Demon Slicing) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained | 2 | 会心力上昇【小】 (Critical Up【S】) | Increase Critical by (0.01 * Basic Weapon Damage) | 3 | 追駆強化・凝縮 (Strenghten Follow Through - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) | 4 | 連昇増加 +1 (Increase Rising Company +1) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +1 | 5 | 破敵ノ法短縮 (Quicken Principle of Destroying Enemies) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) cooldown | 6 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 追駆強化・吸魂 (Strenghten Follow Through - Soul Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Soul Gauge | 8 | 破敵ノ法増加 +1 (Increase Principle of Destroying Enemies +1) | Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) skill cap +1 | 9 | 属性攻撃上昇【大】 (Elemental Attack Up【L】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 10 | 魂特化・継続 (Soul Expertise - Continuation) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, Soul Gauge will not reset outside tamafuri stance |
| War (戦) | Offline chapter 4: quest「伊達男の再起」 | |
1 | 攻撃力上昇【小】 (Attack Up【S】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 2 | 毒無効 (Anti Poison) | Immune to Poison status | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 追駆増加 +1 (Increase Follow Through +1) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +1 | 5 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 追駆強化・凝縮 (Strenghten Follow Through - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) | 7 | 追駆強化・吸生 (Strenghten Follow Through - Life Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Health | 8 | 属性攻撃上昇【大】 (Elemental Attack Up【L】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 9 | 魂特化・集中 (Soul Expertise - Focused) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, Soul Gauge bar refills faster during tamafuri stance | 10 | 魂特化・剛体 (Soul Expertise - Rigid Body) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, it is harder to be knocked back by enemy(s) attacks during tamafuri stance |
| Chaos (乱) | Offline chapter 4: quest「双対の鬼蜘蛛」monster (マフチ) | |
1 | 攻撃力上昇【小】 (Attack Up【S】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 2 | 一閃 (Brandish) | Increases the damage of Critical Attack | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 連昇増加 +1 (Increase Rising Company +1) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +1 | 5 | 連昇強化・凝縮 (Strengthen Rising Company - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) | 6 | 破敵ノ法増加 +1 (Increase Principle of Destroying Enemies +1) | Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) skill cap +1 | 7 | 破敵ノ法短縮 (Quicken Principle of Destroying Enemies) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) cooldown | 8 | 会心力上昇【大】 (Critical Up【L】) | Increase Critical by (0.03 * Basic Weapon Damage) | 9 | 破敵ノ法強化・凝縮 (Strengthen Principle of Destroying Enemies - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) | 10 | 破敵ノ法・速攻 (Principle of Destroying Enemies - Instantly) | Deal the maximum damage of Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) even when Soul Gauge is not full |
| Calm (安) | Offline chapter 7: quest「鬼鳥討伐ノ任」monster (インカルラ) | |
1 | 連昇強化・凝縮 (Strengthen Rising Company - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) | 2 | 背水の陣 (Last Stand) | When health is low, damage dealt is increased | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 連昇短縮 (Quicken Rising Company) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) cooldown | 5 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 忍び足【大】 (Stealth【L】) | Least likely to be targeted by enemy(s) | 7 | 吸生増加 +2 (Increase Life Drain +2) | Tamafuri Skill [吸生] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +2 | 8 | 吸生強化・霊力 (Strenghten Life Drain - Spirit Power) | While Tamafuri Skill [吸生] (TRIANGLE) is active, attacking will increase Weapon Gauge even more | 9 | 攻撃力上昇【大】 (Attack Up【L】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 10 | 連昇増加 +3 (Increase Rising Company +3) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +3 |
| Calm (安) | Offline chapter 7: quest「凶鳥再臨」monster (ヒノマガトリ) | |
1 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 2 | 魂鎖 (Spirit Link) | Can use Tamafuri in the middle of attack | 3 | 英霊の激励 (Encouragement of Great Men) | When dealing a Critical Attack, quickens Tamafuri Skill cooldown | 4 | 連昇増加 +2 (Increase Rising Company +2) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 心技体【小】 (Mind, Technique, Body【S】) | Increase 50 Health, increase 20 Defense & increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 6 | 虚空ノ顎延長 +5 (Jaw of Empty Space Duration +5) | Tamafuri Skill [虚空ノ顎] (CIRCLE) duration +5 seconds | 7 | 追駆強化・吸気 (Strenghten Follow Through - Stamina Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Stamina | 8 | 攻撃力上昇【大】 (Attack Up【L】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 9 | 追駆強化・吸魂 (Strenghten Follow Through - Soul Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Soul Gauge | 10 | 連昇強化・引寄 (Strengthen Rising Company - Draw) | Pulls enemy(s) towards Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) area |
| Calm (安) | Offline chapter 5: quest「結界を破れ-其ノ参-」monster (ミズチメ) | |
1 | 逆鱗 (Wrath) | When health is low, chances to deal Critical Attack increases | 2 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 追駆強化・一閃 (Strenghten Follow Through - Brandish) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) has a chance to Critical (depends on your weapon critical value) | 6 | 会心力上昇【中】 (Critical Up【M】) | Increase Critical by (0.02 * Basic Weapon Damage) | 7 | 破敵ノ法・一閃 (Principle of Destroying Enemies - Brandish) | Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) has a chance to deal Critical Damage (depends on your weapon critical value) | 8 | 全身全霊 (Complete Devotion) | Increases Attack but decreases Stamina Recovery Speed | 9 | 鬼千切皆伝 (Advanced Demon Slicing ) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained even more | 10 | 属性攻撃上昇【特】 (Elemental Attack Up【X】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 56, Dual Sword (双刀) 36, Spear (槍) 64, Armored Glove (手甲) 80, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 50, Bow (弓) 50 |
| War (戦) | Offline chapter 5: quest「悪食の巨鬼」monster (ノヅチ・朧) | |
1 | 属性攻撃上昇【小】 (Elemental Attack Up【S】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 2 | 連昇強化・引寄 (Strengthen Rising Company - Draw) | Pulls enemy(s) towards Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) area | 3 | 新進気鋭 (Energetic) | Recover Stamina slightly when using running attack | 4 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 5 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 吸生強化・霊力 (Strenghten Life Drain - Spirit Power) | While Tamafuri Skill [吸生] (TRIANGLE) is active, attacking will increase Weapon Gauge even more | 7 | 渾身短縮 (Quicken Full Power) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [渾身] (SQUARE) cooldown | 8 | 会心力上昇【大】 (Critical Up【L】) | Increase Critical by (0.03 * Basic Weapon Damage) | 9 | 連昇増加 +3 (Increase Rising Company +3) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +3 | 10 | 破敵ノ法・一閃 (Principle of Destroying Enemies - Brandish) | Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) has a chance to deal Critical Damage (depends on your weapon critical value) |
| Elegant (雅) | Offline chapter 5: quest「結界を破れ-其ノ弐-」monster (アマキリ) | |
1 | 防御力上昇【小】 (Defense Up【S】) | Increase 20 Defense | 2 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 警戒態勢 (Cautious Stance) | When health is low, damage received is reduced | 5 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 堅甲増加 +2 (Increase Solid Armor +2) | Tamafuri Skill [堅甲] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 天岩戸短縮 (Quicken Heavenly Rock Gate) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [天岩戸] (CIRCLE) cooldown | 8 | 攻撃力上昇【大】 (Attack Up【L】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 9 | 挑発強化・加護 (Strenghten Provoke - Divine Protection) | While Tamafuri Skill [挑発] (SQUARE) is active, Defense Gauge recovers slowly without entering Tamafuri Stance | 10 | 天岩戸強化・千切延 (Strenghten Heavenly Rock Gate - Extend) | While Tamafuri Skill [天岩戸] (CIRCLE) is active, extend the duration when in Demon Slicing mode (only useful in couple of weapon, such as bow will extend your aiming duration) |
| Calm (安) | Offline chapter 5: quest「結界を破れ-其ノ壱-」monster (アメノカガトリ) | |
1 | 攻撃力上昇【小】 (Attack Up【S】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 2 | 鬼千切初段 (Basics of Demon Slicing) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【小】 (Elemental Attack Up【S】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 4 | 断奪・気 (Plunder - Stamina) | Recover some Stamina after breaking enemy part(s) | 5 | 渾身強化・五大 (Strenghten Full Power - Five Elements) | While Tamafuri Skill [渾身] (SQUARE) is active, increase Elemental Attack | 6 | 渾身増加 +2 (Increase Full Power +2) | Tamafuri Skill [渾身] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 軍神招来短縮 (Quicken War God Unleashed) | Shorten Tamafuri Skill [軍神招来] (CIRCLE) cooldown | 8 | 属性攻撃上昇【大】 (Elemental Attack Up【L】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 9 | 英霊の激励 (Encouragement of Great Men) | When dealing a Critical Attack, quickens Tamafuri Skill cooldown | 10 | 軍神招来強化・千切延 (Strenghten War God Unleashed - Extend) | While Tamafuri Skill [軍神招来] (CIRCLE) is active, extend the duration when in Demon Slicing mode (only useful in couple of weapon, such as bow will extend your aiming duration) |
| War (戦) | Offline chapter 3: quest 「戦を走りぬける風」monster (カゼキリ) | |
1 | 属性攻撃上昇【小】 (Elemental Attack Up【S】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 2 | 魂鎖 (Spirit Link) | Can use Tamafuri in the middle of attack | 3 | 追駆強化・凝縮 (Strenghten Follow Through - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) | 4 | 連昇増加 +1 (Increase Rising Company +1) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +1 | 5 | 追駆強化・一閃 (Strenghten Follow Through - Brandish) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) has a chance to Critical (depends on your weapon critical value) | 6 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 追駆短縮 (Quicken Follow Through) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) cooldown | 8 | 破敵ノ法増加 +1 (Increase Principle of Destroying Enemies +1) | Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) skill cap +1 | 9 | 心技体【大】 (Mind, Technique, Body【L】) | Increase 100 Health, increase 40 Defense & increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 10 | 治癒強化・増幅 (Strenghten Healing - Amplify) | Using Tamafuri Skill [治癒] (X) will recover more Health |
| Elegant (雅) | 雅の領域(ノヅチ・朧) | |
1 | 不撓不屈 (Tenacity) | When health is low, damage dealt is slightly increased and damage received is slightly reduced | 2 | 追駆強化・追尾 (Strenghten Follow Through - Pursue) | Improve the targetting of Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) | 3 | 破敵ノ法・一閃 (Principle of Destroying Enemies - Brandish) | Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) has a chance to deal Critical Damage (depends on your weapon critical value) | 4 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 魂特化・浄化 (Soul Expertise - Purification) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, successful Demon Purification will refills Soul Gauge bar to maximum | 6 | 運否天賦増加 +2 (Increase Trusting to Chance +2) | Tamafuri Skill [運否天賦] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 属性攻撃上昇【大】 (Elemental Attack Up【L】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 8 | 大和魂 (Yamato Spirit) | When health is full, cannot be killed with a single blow | 9 | 運否天賦強化・魂式 (Strengthen Trusting to Chance - Soul Form) | Increase the chance to get Tamafuri Skill from Soul type when using Tamafuri Skill [運否天賦] (SQUARE) | 10 | 破敵ノ法・速攻 (Principle of Destroying Enemies - Instantly) | Deal the maximum damage of Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) even when Soul Gauge is not full |
| Military (武) | Offline chapter 6: quest「天に舞う、刹那の光刃」monster (アマキリ) | |
1 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 2 | 連昇短縮 (Quicken Rising Company) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) cooldown | 3 | 治癒強化・快癒 (Strenghten Healing - Cure) | Using Tamafuri Skill [治癒] (X) will remove all Status Ailments | 4 | 連昇増加 +2 (Increase Rising Company +2) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 属性攻撃上昇【大】 (Elemental Attack Up【L】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 | 6 | 虚空ノ顎強化・凝縮 (Jaw of Empty Space - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [虚空ノ顎] (CIRCLE) | 7 | 隠特化・急襲 (Hide Expertise - Assault) | When using [Hide Mitama] as primary mitama, increases Critical chances when attacking an enemy from behind | 8 | 属性攻撃上昇【特】 (Elemental Attack Up【X】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 56, Dual Sword (双刀) 36, Spear (槍) 64, Armored Glove (手甲) 80, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 50, Bow (弓) 50 | 9 | 魂特化・全霊 (Soul Expertise - Soulful) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, Soul Gauge bar refills slower but increases the potency of Tamafuri Skills | 10 | 連昇強化・奇手 (Strengthen Rising Company - Surprise Move) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) damage includes Status Attack from equipped weapon (only works if you equip a weapon with status attack) |
| Military (武) | Offline chapter 6: quest「八重波」monster (ワダツミ) | |
1 | 属性防御上昇【中】 (Elemental Defense Up【M】) | Increase 40 to All Elemental Resistance | 2 | 魂特化・剛体 (Soul Expertise - Rigid Body) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, it is harder to be knocked back by enemy(s) attacks during tamafuri stance | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 追駆強化・吸生 (Strenghten Follow Through - Life Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Health | 6 | 冷静沈着 (Cool, Calm, Collected) | Increase 140 Defense but decreases Movement Speed | 7 | 堅甲短縮 (Quicken Solid Armor) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [堅甲] (TRIANGLE) cooldown | 8 | 挑発延長 +10 (Provoke Duration +10) | Tamafuri Skill [挑発] (SQUARE) duration +10 seconds | 9 | 属性防御上昇【大】 (Elemental Defense Up【L】) | Increase 60 to All Elemental Resistance | 10 | 天岩戸強化・威圧 (Strenghten Heavenly Rock Gate - Overpower) | While Tamafuri Skill [天岩戸] (CIRCLE) is active, ??? |
| Elegant (雅) | Offline chapter 3: quest「一閃の風、来たり」monster (カゼキリ) | |
1 | 気力回復上昇【小】 (Stamina Recovery Up【S】) | Increase Stamina Recovery Speed slightly faster | 2 | 俊足 (Fast Runner) | Increases Movement Speed | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 魂鎖 (Spirit Link) | Can use Tamafuri in the middle of attack | 6 | 韋駄天増加 +2 (Great Runner +2) | Tamafuri Skill [韋駄天] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 技巧派回避 (Evasion School Technique) | Increases invulnerability time during evasive moves | 8 | 科戸ノ風強化・霊力 (Strenghten One with Wind - Spirit Power) | Attacking while Tamafuri Skill [科戸ノ風] (CIRCLE) is active, increases Weapon Gauge even more | 9 | 科戸ノ風強化・早手 (Strenghten One with Wind - Swift Wind) | While Tamafuri Skill [科戸ノ風] (CIRCLE) is active, increases Attack Speed even more faster | 10 | 鬼千切皆伝 (Advanced Demon Slicing ) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained even more |
| Military (武) | Guild hall chapter 9: quest「鬼殲滅ノ任―武―」monster (カゼキリ) | |
1 | 忍び足【小】 (Stealth【S】) | Less likely to be targeted by enemy(s) | 2 | 全身全霊 (Complete Devotion) | Increases Attack but decreases Stamina Recovery Speed | 3 | 状態異常強化【中】 (Strengthen Status Abnormality【M】) | Increase 25 Status Attack | 4 | 忍び足【大】 (Stealth【L】) | Least likely to be targeted by enemy(s) | 5 | 秘針短縮 (Quicken Hidden Needle) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [秘針] (SQUARE) cooldown | 6 | 隠特化・霊力 (Hide Expertise - Spirit Power) | When using [Hide Mitama] as primary mitama, increases Weapon Gauge gained when attacking an enemy from behind | 7 | 意気軒昂 (High Spirits) | Increases the damage dealt when Stamina is full | 8 | 状態異常強化【大】 (Strengthen Status Abnormality【L】) | Increase 37 Status Attack | 9 | 不動金縛増加 +1 (Increase Immobilizing Gold Binder +1) | Tamafuri Skill [不動金縛] (CIRCLE) skill cap +1 | 10 | 追駆強化・奇手 (Strenghten Follow Through - Surprise Move) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) damage includes Status Attack from equipped weapon (only works if you equip a weapon with status attack) |
| Ancient (古) | Offline chapter 5: quest「災禍の足音-其ノ弐-」monster (カゼキリ) | |
1 | 回復速度上昇【小】 (Recovery Rate Up【S】) | Increase Health Recovery Speed slightly | 2 | 救援上手 (Skillful Rescue) | Increases ally Health when revived | 3 | 武神ノ砦強化・一閃 (Strengthen Bastion of Bushin - Brandish) | When Tamafuri Skill [武神ノ砦] (SQUARE) is cast and active on an ally, increases the target chances to deal Critical Attack | 4 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 会心力上昇【中】 (Critical Up【M】) | Increase Critical by (0.02 * Basic Weapon Damage) | 6 | 武神ノ砦増加 +1 (Increase Bastion of Bushin +1) | Tamafuri Skill [武神ノ砦] (SQUARE) skill cap +1 | 7 | 変若水短縮 (Quicken Rejuvinating Water) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [変若水] cooldown | 8 | 鬼千切皆伝 (Advanced Demon Slicing ) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained even more | 9 | 追駆強化・一閃 (Strenghten Follow Through - Brandish) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) has a chance to Critical (depends on your weapon critical value) | 10 | 属性攻撃上昇【特】 (Elemental Attack Up【X】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 56, Dual Sword (双刀) 36, Spear (槍) 64, Armored Glove (手甲) 80, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 50, Bow (弓) 50 |
| War (戦) | Offline chapter 6: quest「禍々しき戦鬼」monster (マガツイクサ) | |
1 | 破敵ノ法強化・凝縮 (Strengthen Principle of Destroying Enemies - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) | 2 | 意気軒昂 (High Spirits) | Increases the damage dealt when Stamina is full | 3 | 追駆強化・吸気 (Strenghten Follow Through - Stamina Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Stamina | 4 | 連昇増加 +1 (Increase Rising Company +1) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +1 | 5 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 追駆増加 +1 (Increase Follow Through +1) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +1 | 7 | 破敵ノ法短縮 (Quicken Principle of Destroying Enemies) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) cooldown | 8 | 鬼千切皆伝 (Advanced Demon Slicing ) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained even more | 9 | 魂特化・継続 (Soul Expertise - Continuation) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, Soul Gauge will not reset outside tamafuri stance | 10 | 魂特化・浄化 (Soul Expertise - Purification) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, successful Demon Purification will refills Soul Gauge bar to maximum |
| Calm (安) | Offline chapter 7: quest「速攻任務:妖鳥断ち!」monster (ノヅチ・朧) | |
1 | 英霊の加護 (Divine Protection of Great Men) | When using Tamafuri Skill, small chances the usage will not reduce | 2 | 魂鎖 (Spirit Link) | Can use Tamafuri in the middle of attack | 3 | 連昇短縮 (Quicken Rising Company) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) cooldown | 4 | 連昇増加 +2 (Increase Rising Company +2) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +2 | 5 | おみくじ強化・勝負師 (Strengthen Fortune Slip - Risk Taker) | Increase the chances to get ability buff or ability and status debuffs when using Tamafuri Skill [おみくじ] (TRIANGLE) | 6 | 連昇強化・凝縮 (Strengthen Rising Company - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) | 7 | おみくじ短縮 (Quicken Fortune Slip) | Shorten Tamafuri Skill [おみくじ] (TRIANGLE) cooldown | 8 | 鬼千切ノ極意 (The Essentials of Demon Slicing) | Start a quest with half of Weapon Gauge bar | 9 | 魂特化・全霊 (Soul Expertise - Soulful) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, Soul Gauge bar refills slower but increases the potency of Tamafuri Skills | 10 | おみくじ強化・霊力 (Strengthen Fortune Slip - Spirit Power) | Using Tamafuri Skill [おみくじ] (TRIANGLE), while Tamafuri Skill Bastion of Bushin [武神ノ砦] is active, will increase Weapon Gauge gained inside Bastion of Bushin area |
| Ancient (古) | Offline chapter 5: quest「桜、散りゆく覚悟」monster (ヤトノヌシ) | |
1 | 状態異常強化【中】 (Strengthen Status Abnormality【M】) | Increase 25 Status Attack | 2 | 忍び足【大】 (Stealth【L】) | Least likely to be targeted by enemy(s) | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 破敵ノ法・隠密 (Principle of Destroying Enemies - Stealth) | Less likely to be targeted by enemy after using Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) | 5 | 追駆増加 +3 (Increase Follow Through +3) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +3 | 6 | 秘針増加 +2 (Increase Hidden Needle +2) | Tamafuri Skill [秘針] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 不動金縛短縮 (Quicken Immobilizing Gold Binder) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [不動金縛] (CIRCLE) cooldown | 8 | 隠形強化・祓力 (Strengthen Invisibility - Purification Power) | Purifying inside Tamafuri Skill [隠形] (TRIANGLE) area will increase the potency of Purification | 9 | 気力回復上昇【大】 (Stamina Recovery Up【L】) | Increase Stamina Recovery Speed more faster | 10 | 鬼千切皆伝 (Advanced Demon Slicing ) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained even more |
| Military (武) | Guild hall chapter 8: quest「大天狗の果たし状」monster (ダイマエン) | |
1 | 俊足 (Fast Runner) | Increases Movement Speed | 2 | 気力上昇【中】 (Stamina Up【M】) | Increase 100 Stamina | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 韋駄天短縮 (Quicken Great Runner) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [韋駄天] (SQUARE) cooldown | 5 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 追駆増加 +3 (Increase Follow Through +3) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +3 | 7 | 追駆強化・一閃 (Strenghten Follow Through - Brandish) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) has a chance to Critical (depends on your weapon critical value) | 8 | 会心力上昇【特】 (Critical Up【X】) | Increase Critical by (0.04 * Basic Weapon Damage) | 9 | 韋駄天延長 +10 (Great Runner Duration +10) | Tamafuri Skill [韋駄天] (SQUARE) duration +10 seconds | 10 | 広域捕捉 (Wide Area Seizure) | [Bow] Increase the area of effect of (TRIANGLE) attack |
| Chaos (乱) | Offline chapter 7: quest「悪天狗討伐」monster (マフウ・黄泉) | |
1 | 追駆強化・吸生 (Strenghten Follow Through - Life Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Health | 2 | 一閃 (Brandish) | Increases the damage of Critical Attack | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 追駆増加 +1 (Increase Follow Through +1) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +1 | 5 | 破敵ノ法強化・凝縮 (Strengthen Principle of Destroying Enemies - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [破敵ノ法] (CIRCLE) | 6 | 追駆強化・凝縮 (Strenghten Follow Through - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) | 7 | 連昇強化・凝縮 (Strengthen Rising Company - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) | 8 | 名うての祓い師 (Infamous Purification Expert) | Sometimes receive 2 of the same item after successful Purification | 9 | 心技体【大】 (Mind, Technique, Body【L】) | Increase 100 Health, increase 40 Defense & increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 10 | 属性攻撃上昇【特】 (Elemental Attack Up【X】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 56, Dual Sword (双刀) 36, Spear (槍) 64, Armored Glove (手甲) 80, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 50, Bow (弓) 50 |
| Ancient (古) | Offline chapter 4: quest「ミズチメ捜索ノ任」monster (ミズチメ) or Guild hall chapter 4: quest 「厄災の水蛇」monster (ミズチメ) | |
1 | 攻撃力上昇【小】 (Attack Up【S】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 2 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 3 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 4 | 渾身増加 +1 (Increase Full Power +1) | Tamafuri Skill [渾身] (SQUARE) skill cap +1 | 5 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 渾身強化・五大 (Strenghten Full Power - Five Elements) | While Tamafuri Skill [渾身] (SQUARE) is active, increase Elemental Attack | 7 | 吸生短縮 (Quicken Life Drain) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [吸生] (TRIANGLE) cooldown | 8 | 鬼千切皆伝 (Advanced Demon Slicing ) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained even more | 9 | 吸生強化・吸気 (Strenghten Life Drain - Inspiration) | While Tamafuri Skill [吸生] (TRIANGLE) is active, attacking will also refills Stamina | 10 | 属性攻撃上昇【大】 (Elemental Attack Up【L】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 42, Dual Sword (双刀) 27, Spear (槍) 48, Armored Glove (手甲) 60, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 37, Bow (弓) 37 |
| War (戦) | Offline chapter 5: quest「悪食の巨鬼」 | |
1 | 攻撃力上昇【中】 (Attack Up【M】) | Increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 2 | 魂鎖 (Spirit Link) | Can use Tamafuri in the middle of attack | 3 | 心技体【小】 (Mind, Technique, Body【S】) | Increase 50 Health, increase 20 Defense & increase Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 14, Dual Sword (双刀) 9, Spear (槍) 16, Armored Glove (手甲) 20, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 12, Bow (弓) 12 | 4 | 追駆増加 +2 (Increase Follow Through +2) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 属性攻撃上昇【中】 (Elemental Attack Up【M】) | Increase Elemental Attack; Long Sword (太刀) 28, Dual Sword (双刀) 18, Spear (槍) 32, Armored Glove (手甲) 40, Chain Sickle (鎖鎌) 25, Bow (弓) 25 | 6 | 祓殿増加 +2 (Increase Purification Hall +2) | Tamafuri Skill [祓殿] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +2 | 7 | 千烈拳 (Thousand Fist) | [Armored Glove] Increases the attack speed of (CIRCLE) attack | 8 | 鬼千切皆伝 (Advanced Demon Slicing ) | Increases Weapon Gauge gained even more | 9 | 精神統一 (Spirit Concentration) | Shorten the charging time for Charging Attacks | 10 | 虚空ノ顎強化・凝縮 (Jaw of Empty Space - Condense) | Increase the damage of Tamafuri Skill [虚空ノ顎] (CIRCLE) |
| Ancient (古) | Offline chapter 7: quest「砂漠に住む蝦蟇」monster (ミズチメ) or Guild hall chapter 7: quest「速攻任務:蛇退治!」 | |
1 | 回復力強化【大】 (Resilience【L】) | Increase Red Health bar greatly when damaged | 2 | 魂鎖 (Spirit Link) | Can use Tamafuri in the middle of attack | 3 | 追駆強化・追尾 (Strenghten Follow Through - Pursue) | Improve the targetting of Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) | 4 | 連昇増加 +2 (Increase Rising Company +2) | Tamafuri Skill [連昇] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +2 | 5 | 魂特化・浄化 (Soul Expertise - Purification) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, successful Demon Purification will refills Soul Gauge bar to maximum | 6 | 追駆強化・吸気 (Strenghten Follow Through - Stamina Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Stamina | 7 | 武神ノ砦短縮 (Quicken Bastion of Bushin) | Shortens Tamafuri Skill [武神ノ砦] (SQUARE) cooldown | 8 | 女神ノ社増加 +3 (Increase Shrine of Goddess +3) | Tamafuri Skill [女神ノ社] (TRIANGLE) skill cap +3 | 9 | 女神ノ社延長 +10 (Shrine of Goddess Duration +10) | Tamafuri Skill [女神ノ社] (TRIANGLE) duration +10 seconds | 10 | 武神ノ砦強化・猛攻 (Strengthen Bastion of Bushin - Fierce Attack) | When Tamafuri Skill [武神ノ砦] (SQUARE) is cast and active on an ally, increases the targets Attack |
| Chaos (乱) | Guild hall chapter 9: quest「最狂ノ王、再び」monster(トコヨノオウ) | |
1 | 追駆強化・吸魂 (Strenghten Follow Through - Soul Drain) | If Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) hit an enemy, recovers some Soul Gauge | 2 | 炎上無効 (Anti Burn) | Immune to Burn status | 3 | 救援上手 (Skillful Rescue) | Increases ally Health when revived | 4 | 治癒強化・周囲 (Strenghten Healing - Surroundings) | Tamafuri Skill [治癒] (X) will have an area of effect | 5 | 体力上昇【大】 (Health Up【L】) | Increase 150 Health | 6 | 治癒増加 +2 (Increase Healing +2) | Tamafuri Skill [治癒] (X) skill cap +2 | 7 | 治癒強化・快癒 (Strenghten Healing - Cure) | Using Tamafuri Skill [治癒] (X) will remove all Status Ailments | 8 | 治癒強化・快気 (Strenghten Healing - Recovery) | Using Tamafuri Skill [治癒] (X) will recover some Stamina | 9 | 追駆増加 +3 (Increase Follow Through +3) | Tamafuri Skill [追駆] (SQUARE) skill cap +3 | 10 | 魂特化・集中 (Soul Expertise - Focused) | When using [Soul Mitama] as primary mitama, Soul Gauge bar refills faster during tamafuri stance |